Thursday, August 28, 2008

Travel Tips to Save You Money

Most people will save all year or even more to obtain that relaxation or adrenaline fix we all crave for. Whether it's a couple of weeks relaxing in the sun or adventures up mountains and across rivers, people need this to break up their day to day living - a well earned break from the real world.

Ideally, most people would like to pay off their holiday with their savings, which is the more sensible thing to do as it will ensure no financial black clouds follow them abroad. Although the thought is ideal, for those who have no savings are more likely to take out a loan in order to fund their trip away. This might be financially possible and will be easily sorted upon their return but they will always have that cloud lingering above them gradually getting bigger and bigger as the holiday comes to an end.

Try to save a little money, even if it's only £20 a month. You are looking at £240 for your holiday which may cover the flight, hotel or even spends depending on where you are going. Cut down on drinking or give up smoking in a bid to maximise your holiday budget, or another way, a more obvious way is to simply lower your holiday budget.

This might seem like an unpopular choice at first but however reluctant you may be to do so, this is the easiest way to make sure the dreaded black cloud gets left at the airport.

Minimizing your budget does not necessarily mean minimising your enjoyment.

This can be easily achieved by simple yet effective steps:

Not eating out every day and night - Try and find local bakeries or delis where the prices are far less expensive and you are able to grab a quick sandwich or pastry. East a large meal once a day and snack on bread, fruit or cheese for the remainder. Then when you do treat yourself, provided you spread them out, the dining experience will be a lot more appreciated and worth while.

Buy for yourself - When you are away you will, as most people, feel obliged to buy your relatives little souvenirs which they will normally keep on the mantelpiece for a couple of weeks and you'll later find that they did not fit the room décor and have therefore been disposed to your dissatisfaction. Try to buy, if any, souvenirs which are necessary.

Don't take a taxi everywhere - When you are away you will normally find yourself taking taxis to the different destinations when necessary. This might seem like an obvious thing to do, but with enough planning you can reach your various destinations via public transport saving you a packet.

A step you can take to save more money is to rent a property for the week. This is the recommended option if you are interested in a relaxed time away as you can make it how you want. There will be no children running around or music blaring at all time of the day and night. You can tailor your trip to your exact preference whether it's a sunny trip to Spain or skiing holiday in France.

With the rented property holiday becoming more and more popular, a bigger variety of packages are now on offer so everyone's needs are accommodated for.

People who can't bear leaving their pets at home can now take them along on holiday with them providing they have their pet passports. This is a huge relief for many who don't want to leave their pets in kennels or with relatives.

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